Defined Contribution Solutions | Northern Trust Defined Contribution Solutions | Northern Trust
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Improve outcomes with efficient and innovative services

Providing flexible solutions that help you navigate the retirement landscape.

The global retirement landscape is complex. As your participants/members plan for their future, you need a provider who can help you navigate market trends, regulatory change and risk requirements.

Northern Trust offers a range of solutions to help you stay ahead of the changing financial landscape. We provide personalized client service, industry-driven consulting, flexible support, sophisticated technology and a suite of services to support your defined contribution plans, including:

  • DB/DC integration
  • Fee Disclosure Reporting
  • Investment Administration
  • Liquidity management
  • Multi-manager pool rebalancing
  • Performance reporting and analytics
  • Smart allocation
  • Transition management
  • White labelling

Trends in Asset Servicing

Plan sponsors must ensure they give their employees the best retirement options available or they may lose out on top-tier talent. Unbundling and white labeling are paving the path to better DC plan design.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released a notice in June that clarified the use of private equity assets in DC plans.

Solutions in Motion

Find out how else we can help you with your Asset Servicing needs:
Maximize investment and execution potential with our innovative solutions across institutional brokerage, transition management, securities lending, and foreign exchange.
Support your business strategy with the right combination of asset servicing and fund administration solutions for traditional and alternative assets.
Efficiently and securely manage your assets across the trade lifecycle with our global custody solutions.