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A Destination for Asset Allocators
By Northern Trust and True Partner Capital
December 2023
Northern Trust and True Partner Capital share insights on navigating investment risks into the Dutch pension transition in a new joint white paper.
Download the paper to learn about
- What is changing under the Wet Toekomst Pensioenen (WTP);
- How portfolios are expected to change, and why;
- Investment risks in the transition;
- How risks can be mitigated and considerations for transitioning underlying portfolios.
Northern Trust Capital Markets is comprised of a number of Northern Trust entities that provide trading and execution services on behalf of institutional clients, including foreign exchange, institutional brokerage, securities finance and transition management services. Foreign exchange, securities finance and transition management services are provided by The Northern Trust Company (TNTC) globally, and Northern Trust Global Services SE (NTGS SE) in the European Economic Area (EEA). Institutional Brokerage services including ITS are provided by NTGS SE in the EEA, Northern Trust Securities LLP (NTS LLP) in the rest of EMEA, Northern Trust Securities Australia Pty Ltd (NTSA) in APAC and Northern Trust Securities, Inc. (NTSI) in the United States. For legal and regulatory information about our offices and legal entities, visit northerntrust.com/disclosures. This marketing communication is issued and approved for distribution in the United Kingdom and European Economic Area by The Northern Trust Company, London Branch (TNTC) or Northern Trust Global Services SE (NTGS SE). TNTC is authorised and regulated by the Federal Reserve Board; authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority; subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. NTGS SE is authorised by the European Central Bank and subject to the prudential supervision of the European Central Bank and the Luxembourg Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier. Northern Trust Global Services SE Netherlands Branch, Viñoly 7th floor, Claude Debussylaan 18 A, 1082 MD Amsterdam.