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Collateral Optimization

Manage your collateral and liquidity effectively
At Northern Trust we understand that the intersection of global derivatives and capital-related regulations such as the European Market Infrastructure Regulation are expected to increase the need for liquidity and over the longer term create a collateral squeeze. We will work with you to help you more effectively monitor and manage your liquidity and collateral all within a transparent framework that will allow you to optimize your assets use while reducing counterparty and settlement risk.
We provide broad services across the collateral lifecycle, helping you with inventory management, collateral management, collateral access, liquidity access, reporting and monitoring.
- Focus on asset safety with assets held within transparent account structures
- Extensive coverage of assets, held in custody with Northern Trust and outside of Northern Trust, providing a holistic view of your inventory, the foundation to managing collateral efficiently
- Extensive market infrastructure connectivity
© 2022 Northern Trust Corporation. Head Office: 50 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603 U.S.A. Incorporated with limited liability in the U.S. Products and services provided by subsidiaries of Northern Trust Corporation may vary in different markets and are offered in accordance with local regulation. For legal and regulatory information about our offices and legal entities, visit northerntrust.com/disclosures.
This material is directed to professional clients only and is not intended for retail clients. For Asia-Pacific markets, it is directed to institutional investors, expert investors and professional investors only and should not be relied upon by retail investors.