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- Who We Serve
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Supporting Your Need To Manage Through The Changing Derivatives, Regulatory and Counterparty Risk Landscape
At Northern Trust, we understand that the intersection of global derivatives and capital-related regulations are expected to increase the need for liquidity and over the longer term, potentially create a collateral squeeze. We will effectively monitor and manage your liquidity and collateral needs within a transparent framework to optimize your assets while reducing counterparty and settlement risk.
Leverage our Collateral Management Solutions
We provide broad services across the collateral lifecycle, helping you with:
Take advantage of our Collateral Management solutions to help you achieve regulatory compliance, operational efficiency and access to broader Securities Financing and Liquidity services at Northern Trust.

End-to-End solution
- Manage collateral in accordance with your legal agreements
- Calculate exposures, initiate and respond to collateral calls
- Move your collateral accordingly, leveraging collateral optimization capabilities
- Access to Northern Trust Asset Management cash funds for collateral reinvestment
- Full suite of margin segregation services

Flexible Reporting
- Daily exposures, trade positions, collateral balances, accrued interest calculations, asset holdings and valuations, agreement details
- Extensive data attributes available for client system integration
- Configurable reports and data distribution models

Underpinned by Global Controls
- Un-biased position by coupling collateral with independent valuation service
- Pro-active reconciliation to counterparties, clearing agents and fund administrators
- Dispute management including reporting and escalation to clients

Delivering Broad Benefits
- Automated collateral selection hierarchy process including custom algorithms under collateral optimization offering
- Protecting your assets by reducing counterparty exposure risk
- Enhanced counterparty risk reporting and oversight
- Specialist independent service tailored to the buy-side

Meet our Collateral Product Manager
Judson Baker is Senior Vice President and Collateral Product Manager at Northern Trust based in Chicago.
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