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Active Management

Active Management


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Disciplined Research; Commitment to Quality

You want your equity investments to deliver excess returns, but you're sensitive to volatility. Our research shows that quality companies outperform the market over time, typically with less volatility. That's why Northern Trust has incorporated quality in its investment processes for more than 40 years.

Whatever your desired exposure, our active equity strategies focus on maximizing returns, leveraging our disciplined research.

Our Core Quality Philosophy Drives Success

Northern Trust's core quality philosophy is based on thorough analysis, seeking strong competitive market position, earnings sustainability and strong, prudent management. Our focus on quality lies at the heart of our equity approach and sets us apart from other asset managers. This foundation helps us create and manage active equity portfolios that seek superior performance – typically with less volatility and increased protection in down markets.

Research-Based Solutions

Whether you are seeking a specific geographic or style exposure for your active equity portfolio, Northern Trust provides a range of fundamental research-driven strategies to meet your needs.

  • International – Best-in-class, geographic concentrations include global and world ex-U.S. mandates.
  • U.S. Large Cap Core strategy – Designed to generate returns in excess of the S&P 500 over the full market cycle by investing in high-quality, large-cap companies.
  • U.S. Large Cap Growth strategy – Combining a top-down view of macroeconomic trends and individual stock selection.
  • U.S. Large Cap Value strategy – Seeks to identify quality companies selling at a discount to our researched intrinsic value.
  • Specialty mandates:
    • Income equity: exposures with enhanced income potential and reduced volatility.
    • Innovation/technology: innovation with a quality bias.

A Range of Vehicles to Meet Your Needs

Choosing the right vehicle is important to the overall success of your investments. We offer a full range of structures and we work with you to determine which one best suits your needs – considering tax status, domicile, liquidity, compliance and flexibility.

Want to Learn More?

Find out how the knowledge, insights and resources of Northern Trust’s experienced investment professionals can help you build portfolios aligned with your investment objectives.


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Important Information

Northern Trust Corporation. Head Office: 50 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603 U.S.A. Incorporated with limited liability in the U.S. Products and services provided by subsidiaries of Northern Trust Corporation may vary in different markets and are offered in accordance with local regulation. For more information, read our legal and regulatory information about individual market offices.

Northern Trust Asset Management is composed of Northern Trust Investments, Inc., Northern Trust Global Investments Limited, Northern Trust Fund Managers (Ireland) Limited, Northern Trust Global Investments Japan, K.K., NT Global Advisors, Inc., 50 South Capital Advisors, LLC, Northern Trust Asset Management Australia Pty Ltd, and investment personnel of The Northern Trust Company of Hong Kong Limited and The Northern Trust Company.

This material is directed to professional clients only and is not intended for retail clients. For Asia-Pacific markets, it is directed to institutional investors, expert investors and professional investors only and should not be relied upon by retail investors.

Issued by Northern Trust Global Investments Limited.