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- Who We Serve
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Investment Risk & Analytical Services

Bring your Investment Program into focus with our comprehensive array of analytical capabilities and consultative services.
The demands on you have never been greater; assessing risk, monitoring compliance, evaluating performance, projecting trends and their potential impact. Northern Trust's Investment Risk and Analytical Services team offers a comprehensive menu of solutions, supported by powerful technology and delivered by experienced professionals. We can help you bring all of the details into focus so that your attention remains at the strategic program management level.
Plan for the Future
An extensive range of program design and implementation services helps you plan for the future. Forward looking risk management reporting captures changes in risk profiles quickly.
- Asset Liability Studies
- Long Term Trend Analysis
- Ex-Ante Risk Forecasts
- Stress and Scenario Testing
- "What-If" Analysis
- Consultative Approach
Monitor and Measure Risk
Market Risk Services help you to integrate advanced risk monitoring and measurement techniques. Understand your total plan-level market risk factors with:
- Customized, holdings-based reports explaining your program's risk profile
- Northern Trust Risk Universe®, the first peer group comparison for total plan risk
Interactive Complianceradar®
Dashboard supports your breach management and reporting process.
Compliance Monitoring provides exceptions based testing on a daily basis to identify when portfolios are approaching or have breached your guideline limits. We provide multi-manager, multi-asset class post-trade compliance monitoring and exposure analysis.
Private Monitor™
Offers a flexible solution for your private equity reporting needs. As part of our long standing vendor partnership, clients have the option of utilizing specialized software.
Evaluate Performance
Get a comprehensive view of your worldwide portfolio performance relative to your objectives. We provide analytical reporting in standard and custom, summary level overview and detailed formats. Fully customized, interactive dashboards allow you to view the data that is important to you:
- Rates of Return
- Asset Allocation
- Universe and Benchmark comparisons
- Manager Analysis
- Performance Attribution
Executive Reporting
Meet the needs of your board, committee and staff by comparing investment results and risks with policy goals and objectives. Note exceptions that may affect or have already affected an investment strategy. Pinpoint program elements that have the biggest impact on results. Track performance of those portfolios that may have deviated from expectations or guidelines.