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Direct Dealing
Inquire About Our Services
Supporting global institutional asset owners and asset managers across mainstream and emerging currencies.
You face a number of operational challenges as you execute your active foreign exchange (FX) strategies and business goals. Northern Trust’s Direct Dealing services provide tailored, highly competitive liquidity services for both your ongoing foreign exchange trading requirements and strategic transactions.
Flexible Options
Trading spot, forward, swap and non-deliverable forward instruments.
ReachGlobal operating model for algorithmic, multi-bank platform, single and voice trading through trading desks in Singapore, London and Chicago and regional support from Sydney.
CoverageFacilitating direct FX trading for all freely traded currencies and certain restricted
Supporting you across the full trade life cycle
Competitive pricing via global desks connected to leading multi-bank dealing platforms including Bloomberg, FX Connect, FXall, 360T and our single dealer platform, Northern Trust FX Passport®.
AnalyzeForeign exchange trade execution transparency including timestamps, WM benchmark pricing, previously agreed upon timing and costs with post trade reporting and data available for Transactional Cost Analysis.
ConnectOn-demand experts discuss your trading requirements, providing informative insight of market drivers, conditions and price action.
SupportFull trade life cycle support from our dedicated trading and operational foreign exchange professionals.
Foreign exchange trading is now more efficient and transparent than ever due to technological advances. However, these advances have been slower to transfer to restricted market currencies where local practices and requirements can hinder efficiency improvements.
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